Pick Up Your Feelings
Have you ever allowed someone to have power over how you feel?
By practicing emotional self-care you can learn how to understand your feelings and reactions, how to manage them, and create some peace when outside influences try to take your power from you.
The Domino Effect
Our triggers impact how we feel, how we feel impacts how we respond, and our consequences are the direct response to whatever we choose to do based on those feelings.
By practicing emotional self-care, you are taking responsibility of yourself and the impact you have on the world. Remember, hurt people will hurt people. Don’t hurt people!
Emotional Self-Care Starter Tips:
Understand your triggers: find out what gets under your skin so you can avoid it or be prepared to utilize coping strategies to regulate yourself.
Feel so you can heal: allow yourself to go through the motions as you work through past and/or present challenges. We all hold trauma/negative experiences, by not addressing it we allow it to simmer within us. Address your mess, and take out the garbage.
Empathize: we ALL feel things and experience adversity. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and understand your impact on others when you allow your feelings to take control.
Explore positives: negativity is like a parasite, it feeds on every bit of our happiness. When we don’t take time to look at the facts, we allow cognitive distortions to trick us into going down a rabbit hole of everything negative.
Laugh: laughter is healing! It gets those happy hormones flowing and helps regulate our mood. It also pushes us to keep going, and when we feel better we do better.
Choose how to respond: we do have control and choice! One of my favorite sayings is “what other people eat, does not make you *poop*”, if you catch my drift. What someone else has going on does not mean you have to experience it to, don’t allow someone’s misery to hold you hostage.
DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is intended for educational use only and is not a substitute for legal, business, or professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical, mental health, legal or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, business, or legal situation.