School’s out, For Summer!

And when it’s not… here’s some ways to take care of yourself!


For the adults:

I’ve worked in different settings over the years and mostly in connection with school systems. The one thing that is constant is the high levels of stress and mental health challenges that our students face. I try to always remind my colleagues and parents/guardians that this is a different age from when we grew up, and it continues to change. There are new challenges and threats that impact our youth, and we have to listen and accept that we may actually not know everything.

For the students:

My experiences also provided me endless opportunities to hear from young(er) people just like you. It did not matter what walk of life my students came from, they all had one thing in common: they wanted to be children, and deserved to be! Unfortunately, they did not all get that privilege. Regardless of what you face, where you come from, and what is going on here are some takeaways:

  1. Help is there!!! Please hear me when I say there are people who can and will walk with you. Advocacy is one of the greatest tools you can ever have, use that strong voice! You deserve some sense of peace, because remember that just like after a storm there is calm. Reach out to a trusted adult!

  2. Time management! Try not to have to use the excuse “I didn’t have time”. I understand we are all busy, but think about the time you spent daydreaming, procrastinating, hitting the snooze button, or mindlessly scrolling on social media. That could have been time you are doing some self-care. Carve it out in your schedule if you have to!

  3. Remember what is within your control! Too often did my students waste time worrying about things in the past or something else that they had no control over. In doing this, they often missed what they DID have control over in order to help their situation. Self-reflect and figure out what is most important to focus your energy on.

  4. Be kind! You ever wonder why there’s so much drama and hate in the world? Look at what you are consuming all day! Social media feeds off of drama, violence, and negativity that breeds toxicity in our lives. Remember that what you put into the world is what you get back. Also remember how you want to be treated by others, if what you do to someone else makes you cringe… do better.

  5. No one is perfect, get up and try again!

DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is intended for educational use only and is not a substitute for legal, business, or professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical, mental health, legal or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, business, or legal situation.


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