The Wellness Series aims to support you with ideas, activities, and resources to help you begin your self-care journey.
Self-Care is the intentional nurturing to your whole person in order to improve your overall health.
Self-Care Beginner Tips
Drink water and mind your business sis/bro/pal. Take care of those basic needs first, food and water! I know as soon as I have an attitude or get cranky, 9 times out of 10 I have not eaten. Also, let go of what does not serve you, that’s just unnecessary stress.
Make YOU a priority. You come first, I don’t know how many times we need to tell ourselves that. If our oxygen masks aren’t on how can we help someone else put theirs on so they can breathe? We’ll pass out first.
Be grateful. We may have a lot going on, true. But we also have a lot of beautiful things happening in our lives or around us. Take time to smell the roses, we don’t get any of this time back.
Got friends? Then text them right now and schedule some plans. We are social beings, and we deserve to let off some steam.
Do stuff! That serves you and fills your spirit with whatever it is craving. Love, relaxation, an outlet, creativity, spontaneity, etc.
Stay consistent. The only expectation is to do something for yourself on a consistent basis. How else are we going to maintain those good feels?
DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is intended for educational use only and is not a substitute for legal, business, or professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your medical, mental health, legal or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, business, or legal situation.